Ask Dr. Love
Ask Dr. Love® with Dr. Jamie Turndorf, America’s no. 1 Relationship Advice show, syndicated in 5 of the top 10 major US markets (reaching 26 million listeners), is an hourly national radio show that guides intimate partners, friends, family members and co-workers to transform conflict into connection for a lifetime of lasting love. Ask Dr. Love® is the rescue remedy for the pandemic-induced epidemic of failed relationships. “Weekly Topics” include “How to Use Your Ears to Resolve Relationship Conflicts”, “The Battle of The Bulge: How to End Your Sex Wars”, and more. Rotating segments: “In the Ring”, the first “reality radio” segment in which Dr. Love rolls up her sleeves and guides friends, family and couples to resolve relationship rows live on-air! “Reading Between the Sheets” where Dr. Love puts sex snarls to bed; and “Dr. Love’s Quickies”, fun relationship education spots like “How to Tell the Difference Between Love and Lust--Never Use Your Peter as a Love Meter”, and more. And, of course, “Guest Interviews” with today’s top experts and authors.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Liar, Liar, Pants (or Panties) on Fire! Why We Lie and How to Stop Stretching the Truth
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
In this show, I share an honest look at lying: Find out what causes lying, how it erodes relationships, how to handle a lying partner, and how to break free from its clutches.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Beware of Hospitals with Scott Schara
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Scott Schara says Hospitals are the New Killing Fields. His daughter, Grace, was murdered on 10/13/21 after he took her to a hospital with low oxygen saturation related to COVID.
After she was killed, he has invested over 1000 hours in research and has become a full-time advocate in the “hospital killing” lane. Schara believes that hospitals have become an arm of the government to implement an agenda to reduce the population.
Financial incentives, immunity from liability and the shroud of secrecy, including not allowing family members in the room, have created the perfect environment to implement an agenda that has been worked on for decades.
Grace’s website:
Her Facebook page:
Substack newsletter posted on Grace’s death date:
New podcast: Deprogramming with Grace’s Dad. To sign up on Telegram:

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
In this show, I share an honest look at lying: Find out what causes lying, how it erodes relationships, how to handle a lying partner, and how to break free from its clutches.

Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Is He/She Just a Date…Or Your Soulmate?
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
In this show, I introduce you to My Create-A-Mate™ system that enables you to have a clearer picture of who your perfect partner really is. But how can you use that knowledge to find out if the person you’re interested in really fits the bill?
The key is to learn how to quickly cut to the chase using my Critical Questions to Ask Before You Get Too Close™ guide (included in Dr. Love’s Relationship Rescue Kit) to protect yourself from making the mistake of falling for someone who is dead wrong for you.
Tune in to find out if the person you have your eye on is just a date or your soul mate…
PS: This show will also help you determine whether the person you are with is right for you or not.

Monday Sep 26, 2022
The Anatomy of Infidelity
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
In this show, I share the bare facts on infidelity, including 10 little known facts about affairs.
This show starts with a quiz to test your knowledge of the two-timing topic. Then we go into detail on what causes affairs, the truths and myths about affairs, and also what you can do to head off an affair before an attraction has the chance to rupture your relationship.

Saturday Sep 17, 2022
COVID-19 Inoculation Injuries with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
A lot has happened since last year’s 20+ Mechanisms of Injury Webinars. Sadly, everything Dr. Tenpenny warned about in those courses are rolling out daily, affecting friends, family, co-workers and patients who have had these shots. One year later, we now have a better understanding of spike protein disease and the possible long-term ramification of the experimental, unapproved injections. Employers, educational institutions, and governments are continuing to push humanity into taking unwanted shots with potentially deadly consequences. We have only just begun to see the unprecedented waves of chronic illness and deaths that are soon to follow caused by an unnecessary injection.
The Course includes a thorough analysis of the upcoming covid shots. Did you know that as of August 12, there are 146 shots in the developmental pipeline with more than 120 clinical trials underway and 33 approved for limited or full use worldwide?
What does this mean for humanity? For medicine? For sickness vs wellbeing? What are they planning? What can we expect? What is next? Where do we go from here? What about Marburg, monkeypox, and polio virus “scare tactics” they are continually threatening?
As you know, we along with other Truth Tellers are heavily censored. Why? Because we are standing right over the target! This information is explosive and those in Power do not want you to know it.
Dr. Tenpenny is hosting a LIVE Educational Webinar: “Mechanisms of Injury: A Year in Review and ANALYSIS of Upcoming Covid 19 Injections” on Saturday Sept 24, 2022 Time: 10am-12pm EST, with a short break and then a Q&A session up until 2pmEST.
Please share this invitation with your friends, social media groups, email lists, etc. so every person has an opportunity to join our Webinar on Sept. 24, 2022. An opportunity to learn the truth. This is CRITICAL.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, AHBIM
Cleveland, OhioDr Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in neuromusculoskeletal medicine. In addition, she has a proficiency
certification in Integrative Medicine. She was board certified in Emergency medicine and worked as a full-time Emergency Medicine physician and Director of a Level II Trauma center from 1986 to 1998.
She is the founder of Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, a medicalclinic located near Cleveland, Ohio. Opened in 1996, her company provides a natural, holistic approach to getting well and off prescription medications. Her approaches have attracted patients from all 50 states and at least 17 countries.
Dr. Tenpenny has invested 20+ years and far more than 40,000 hours researching, documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines. As an internationally known speaker and author, her many articles have been translated into at least 12 languages. She is a frequent guest on radio and TV to share her
knowledge and educate parents on why they should just say no to vaccines.
Links to her medical clinic, educational courses and articles, podcasts and multiple social media platforms can be found at

Sunday Sep 11, 2022
How to Know When It’s Time to Call it Quits
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sometimes relationships are rocky, but eventually the seas calm and it’s smooth sailing again. Even if the tide of emotions has run high and your relationship has been underwater for a while…
Or even if your relationship is drowning in the still waters of indifference…
There still may be hope!
But how can you know when to ride out the storm…And when it’s time to abandon ship?
In this show, I’m going to help you navigate your way back from the stormy seas to the calmer shores of clarity. From “Violations of Relationship Laws” to unequal levels of commitment, lacked of shared vision, intolerable traits, communication problems, fear of being alone, lack of personal growth, and even the intrusion of Old Scars, I leave no stone unturned as I help you evaluate your relationship’s health and help you to know whether your relationship is a keeper or not.

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Could Old Scars Be Fueling Your Relationship Fights?
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Are your relationships being ruined by fights?
Tune in and discover how the Old Scars we all carry from childhood fuel fighting in our adult relationships. In this show, I will show you how to use your relationships to heal these Old Scars. As the Old Scars heal, you will be amazed to see how fighting fades away, allowing the love that you feel for those closest to you to shine through.
In this show, I also answer the questions you asked me during the month of August.

Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Why Spirits Don’t Want Your Forgiveness
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Anyone on the spiritual path has heard how important it is to forgive those who have harmed us.
Too often, we force forgiveness down our own throats, and in the process we bury our anger and resentments in a very shallow grave.
Before we can truly forgive, we must first face our feelings and confront those who have wronged us.
Tune in to find out why spirits are waiting with open arms for you to confront them, rather than forgive them.
In this show, you will hear some amazing calls from people who face-off with loved ones in spirit who did them wrong and heal in real time.
Tune in for a powerful show that will also set you on the path to healing your relationships with those who have harmed you.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Do Those in Spirit Miss Us?
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
In this show, I introduce a little known truth: those in spirit miss us as much as we miss them.
The way to solve this issue is to resume your relationship with loved ones in spirit. The cornerstone of the Trans-Dimensional Grief Resolution method™ is my Dialoguing with the Departed technique that enables you to reconnect and talk back-and-forth with loved ones in spirit without the assistance of a medium, channeler or psychic.
As you will discover, reconnecting not only helps you to not miss your loved ones who have left their bodies, it also helps your loved ones in spirit to miss you less.